Home Again, for Now...
Today was just for getting back to Redding...
The ride was interesting just for the contrasts.  In Oregon, it was cold and overcast; winding through the Cascade Mountains was pretty, but chilly.  We got our last “hands off” gas in Central Point, Oregon, (there is no “self-service”) and headed for the border.
Almost as soon as we crossed into California, the sun came out and the temperature started to rise.  Check a map, and you will see that we had come from southern Oregon’s narrow mountain passes to northern California’s wider meadows with mountains mainly to the west.
We had planned to stop for lunch at Yreka, California, but reached there before 11:00 am. So we pressed on to Weed, where we had a great diner-style meal at the Hi-Lo Cafe.
After lunch, we travelled another hour or so, and got home by early afternoon.  We picked up mail at the Post Office, ran a few errands, and relaxed for the evening.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009