It feels great just to take off on a holiday! We left at about 7:30 this morning, bundled up in layer after layer of clothing.
We were glad to see that there was, in fact, no rain in sight. (Note to self: None of the weather websites tell you about the bone-chilling fog.) The cold didn’t stop us, thanks to winter gloves, long underwear, and balaclavas. (Not a Greek pastry, but a thermal hood that covers head and neck.)
The sun finally broke through at about Stockton, about four hours into the trip.
Except for a fast-food breakfast and a sit-down lunch, we were on the road until 5:00 pm today.
We’ve stopped at the outskirts of Bakersfield. It’s time to post to the blog and then relax.
Tomorrow, it should be a more leisurely ride. We’ll start later, to avoid the early-morning chill.