Shaken, not Stirred
Monday, May 28, 2007
Shaken, not Stirred
We took a few short trips on the Harley this weekend, partly to test the new windshield -- with terrible results!
You would think, after so many years of building motorcycles, Harley Davidson would know how to make a windshield.
The noise and air buffeting my helmet was so bad that my vision was blurred at highway speeds.  It felt like my head was in a paint shaker.
I experimented with some stainless steel brackets I fabricated, to change the height and angle of the windshield.  That helped a little.
I was trying to figure out how to make some sort of baffle, when I ran across a company called Laminar.  They make a clear plastic airfoil based on the laminar flow principle.  It attaches to the top of the windshield, and the results are said to be amazing.
I am ordering one first thing in the morning.  I hope it works!